












  • General Ear, Nose and Throat problems.
  • Paediatric Ear, Nose and Throat conditions.
  • Childhood allergies and sinus related problems.
  • Tonsil, Adenoid problems (Chronic tonsillitis with tonsillar and adenoidal hypertrophy). Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy.
  • Acute and chronic outer, middle, and inner ear conditions,
  • Grommets,
  • Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, Septum repair surgery, Functional Rhinoplasty, Nasal fractures.
  • Surgery for snoring and sleep apnoea.
  • Middle ear and mastoid surgery, Cholesteatoma surgery, Ossiculoplasty and Stapes surgery (Stapedotomy).
  • Tympanoplasty for tympanic membrane perforations.
  • Ossiculoplasty for conductive hearing loss.
  • Stapedotomy for otosclerosis.
  • Mastoidectomy for chronic ear disease and cholesteatoma.
  • Canaloplasty for removal of exostosis.
  • Meatoplasty for enlarging the ear canal.
  • Eustachian Tube Dilatation.
  • Medico-Legal reports.


  • Patients with dizziness and balance problems.
  • Anterior skull base surgery, including Frontal Sinus Drill out procedures (Draf 1, 2 and 3) for refractory chronic frontal sinusitis, endoscopic closure of CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) leaks, Endoscopic Hypophysectomy and Endoscopic Dacro-Cysto-Rhynostomy (DCR).
  • Lateral Skull Base surgery for Glomus Tympanicum and Jugulare Tumours.
  • Voice problems, hoarseness, professional voice users, teachers and singers, Video Stroboscopic examination of the vocal cords, Comprehensive Voice Evaluation,
  • Larynx cancer
  • Laryngeal EMG due to determine the prognosis and degree of vocal fold paralysis. Botox treatment for Spasmodic Dysphonia and Laryngeal Tremor,
  • Surgical treatment includes vocal fold medialisation procedures and vocal fold injections for vocal fold insufficiency, micro-endoscopic surgery for benign and malignant vocal fold lesions (Vocal cord cancer)
  • Recurrent laryngeal nerve re-innervation for vocal cord paralysis.
  • Endoscopic CO2 laser diverticulectomy for Zenker Diverticula
  • Management of acoustic neuroma
  • Cortisone instillation into the middle ear for Menier’s disease. 
  • Endolymphatic sac decompression for intractable Menier’s disease. 
  • Middle fossa, trans labyrinthine and sub occipital approach for acoustic neuromas.
  • Management of facial nerve ( Bell’s) paralysis), including middle fossa decompression.
  • Cochlear implantation for profound sensori-neural hearing loss, Bone Anchored hearing aids, Vibrand Soundbridge.