Introduction video of the Pretoria voice clinic. Causes of hoarseness

Introduction video of the Pretoria voice clinic. Dysphonia.

Bilateral vocal fold polyps post Covid infection, Intubation

Mid vocal fold polyp post Covid intubation

Trachea/sub-glottic stenosis post Covid intubation.

Dilatation with Trachealator

Diode laser resection

Office video laryngo tracheoscopy

Granuloma/Trachea stenosis, post Covid intubation.

Cintocare Hospital and Pretoria Voice Clinic celebrations of World Voice Day Giselle Maartens Introduction

World voice day 2021,Giselle Maartens Speech Therapist. Voice care for professional voice users

Deirdré Blignaut Rautenbach Summertime

Deirdré Blignaut Rautenbach

Cintocare Hospital and Pretoria Voice Clinic celebrations of World Voice Day 2021 Complete video